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Letters to Ministry of Tribal Affairs

SNo. Subject/Issues Document

Letter to Minister for Tribal Affairs wrt to the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2011 and Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill 2011  vide DO No. NCST/2008/REHAB/01 dated 29/11/2011

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Letter to Minister for Tribal Affairs sent on 19/07/2011 wrt to the 5th Annual Report 2009-10 vide DO No. 4/2/11-Coord. dated 20/07/2011

(96.35 KB), (94 KB)

Letter sent to MTA, MHA, MEA, Min of Labout Employment wit reference to good governance of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Areas/Tribal Areas - approach to ILO convention

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Inclusion of 'Binjhiya' community in the list of Scheduled Tribes of Chhattisgarg State vide File No. 17/8/inclusion/2013/RU-III dated 27/06/2016

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Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 15/14/MC&F/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Comments on Cabinet Note-Extension of Purchase Preference Policy in respect of 102 medicines in the 40th Meeting of the Commission.

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Letter to Director (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. Policy-2/Atrocity/MTA/2012/RU-II dated 26.12.2012 regarding Draft recommendations for amendment in the SC & ST(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 in the 40th Meeting of the Commission.

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Letter to Deputy Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, August Kranti Bhawan) vide File No. NCST/2008/REHAB/01-Coord. dated 20.12.2012 regarding Comments on the Cabinet Note for the official ammendments to the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill, 2011 in the 40th Meeting of the Commission.

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Letter to Joint Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 15/15/M/O Law/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Draft Cabinet Note on proposal to implement Order dated 10/1/2012 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 540 of 2011 Virendra Pratap & another vs. Union of India and others. Promulgation of the Readjustment of Seats and Territorial constituencies Ordinance, 2012 under Article 123(1) of the Constitution in the 40th Meeting of the Commission.

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